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From "no sé" to Rosé

For those who are wondering what “no sé” means, the translation to English is “don’t know”, I thought it was important that you knew that before starting to read.

I have been writing as a guest on the Rosé Wine Lovers blog and after the first article I posted, a person who read it told me that on this page they recommended the wines that she distributed in Mexico. You know I love to tell stories, so this time I decided to write about how Karla ended up in the world of good grapes.

"I met the commercial director of Château De Berne in Mexico City in an UBER Pool that I requested by mistake, he was going with his wife." This is how Karla began to tell me her story. From the moment I heard "UBER Pool", I knew something good was coming.

She heard the couple speaking in French and because she knows the language well, she got excited and start talking to them. Between questions and answers, he began to talk to her about a French wine brand. "That’s great!" Karla replied, "I love wine and part of the career I study addresses its history!" Turns out, he was looking for a contact that she coincidentally knew, so she passed it on. They exchanged phone numbers and a few days later they went for dinner.

Everything that comes next was definitely destiny. Sitting in Chapulín, a delicious Mexican restaurant that is inside the InterContinental Presidente Hotel, the French couple invited Karla to be part of the wine business and distribute them in Mexico. She was not very convinced about it and basically said thank you very much, but no thanks; in the end, she was involved in a thousand things at that time and thought she was not going to be able to manage her schedule. They agreed that whatever contact they needed, she would help them. They returned to France, but the friendship continued.

“One day I received a call, they were inviting me to Panama because they were going to meet with the French ambassador. They wanted to give the official announcement that I would be distributing Château De Berne in Mexico. But how? I did not believe it and I thought, this person has to be joking! ”. Can you imagine? Karla once again rejected the offer, but he insisted. He told her that it was very obvious that she had a good sense of business and that it was a perfect match that she even knew about wine! They agreed that she was going to think about it.

She discussed it with her boyfriend and he, without hesitation, told her, "It is a great opportunity and they are giving it to you without you looking for it, take it!" Long story short, when she least thought about it, she was already taking a plane to Panama. The meeting went very well, they gave her the exclusive to distribute Château De Berne in Mexico and that was how she received the first container from France.

Currently, these rosé wines (and delicious ones, by the way), can be found in several restaurants in Mexico City, but... they can also be purchased through her Instagram account in case you want to try them at home. If you like rosé, we highly recommend them, they are not only super quality wines in terms of flavor, from Côtes De Provance, but visually they are also very beautiful, they pay great attention to the bottle design and the favorite is the Romance one that has a glass cork.

So now you know, next time you're in an UBER Pool by mistake, start talking, you never know in what business you're going to end up in!

Here we leave the list of Château De Berne wines to delight you, you will not regret it!

- Du Kif

- Inspiration

- Ultimate Provence

- Romance

Mara Loera

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